Friday, November 17, 2017


Signs and Turkeys

Thanksgiving signs are easy to make and you can do any number of variations.  Start with a piece of cardboard, any size you like (I used a 10 x 12 square) and paint with a few coats of chalkboard paint.  Kids can then use chalk to write any message they choose on their signs which is always fun for them and if necessary they can erase and start over or change messages.

For leaves and turkey I used watercolor paper and some colored paper for turkey body and head.  Kids can paint the leaves and turkey feathers any way they like or they can even use markers or crayons.  

Copy the turkey and leaf shapes from the picture or make your own, cut and glue to cardboard chalkboard and it's ready to paint.  Kids or helper can then paint a message and it's ready to hang up.


All kids love making pine cone turkeys because they look so adorable and they are so easy.  

Helper will glue a walnut head on first with a glue gun (to make sure it sticks) and then eyes, beak and red piece.  

Give kids a bunch of colored feathers (from craft store) and a bit of glue to dip end of feather into just to make sure they stay in place.  For more about pine cone turkeys see November  2016 in this blog.

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