Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Paper Mache Bird Houses are easy to make and fun for kids of all ages to paint.  Kids can use them to store treasures in their room or hang from the ceiling in a window.  Houses are painted with acrylics and can be any colors or designs child chooses.  Kids can help construct the house or it can be made ahead for them if that fits the situation better.  Houses can be just about any size but these are around 8 to 12 inches high and about 5 or 6 inches on the sides.  You can make a tall roof or not so tall.  House is created from cardboard base, paper mached with newspaper, and painted with acrylics.

Materials ~ 

Cardboard, pieces or a box and extra pieces for roof.  Newspaper strips and liquid starch or any paper mache recipe you prefer.  I like liquid starch as it is clean and easy to use and dries nice and crisp.  You can buy it at larger markets and Smart and Final.  Gesso or white acrylic paint for a nice white base.  Assorted acrylic colors and brushes.

Directions ~

Decide size house you would like and either use a box for the base or cut cardboard from a pattern you can make out of newspaper (shown below).  Just remember to cut a hole for the "birds".  Roof can be any height you prefer (see below).

After house is cut, glue or tape it together and cover with a layer of paper mache.  Dip newspaper strips in starch, squeegee, and place on cardboard.  Cover house evenly and make as smooth as possible.  Let dry and add another layer which will smooth out rough places and make house stronger.

When dry, paint with a coat of Gesso or white acrylic so you have a nice bright base to paint.  Let child choose colors they like, and make a pallet on a paper plate.  Let kids know that it's a good idea not to mix all of their colors together but that it's fine to mix new colors, in a separate area. It's also okay to paint designs and patterns on top of colors after they have dried.  Encourage kids to try painting details such as flowers, plants, trees, patterns, designs, birds etc but let them know that any way they want their house is perfect. When house is dry, you can add a coat of clear acrylic gloss for a nice shine and to make it a little stronger.

Pattern out of newspaper (great for making all kinds of patterns) for house, 4 sides and 2 roof peeks.  Roof can be cut out of cardboard later.

Trace pattern on cardboard, cut (might need a sharp knife so be careful) score, fold and tape.  Cut a hole which takes a little patience.

Roof is one piece, scored, and folded to fit house bottom.  Glue.

Add paper mache and let dry.  Add a second coat after first coat is dry for extra smoothness and strength.

Add a coat of Gesso or white acrylic paint for a nice bright clean base.  I like Gesso for the way it covers.  Worth the investment if you plan on doing a lot of paper mache and you should!  Make a bird house for a child who has to spend quiet time resting or recuperating as kids love painting paper mache objects. 

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