Thursday, March 2, 2017


Paper Mache elephant is an easy craft for kids of all ages.  Elephant can be created by an adult for a child to paint or with a little help, kids can do the paper mache part as well.  Paper Mache takes a little patience and experience but it gets easier with practice and the creative possibilities are endless. Kids love the fact that these animals, created out of little boxes (typically 4x4x6) can be used to store toys and treasures.
The elephant is made the same way as the paper mache Cat project posted January 11, 2017, so refer to that project for instructions and materials you will need.  
For elephant face you will cut a circle (slightly larger than your box), 2 big ears, a trunk, a tail, and four legs.
The size box I used is 4x4x6 but you can use any rectangle size box you choose...even extra large.  If you do not have a box, you can create one out of cardboard.  Elephant does not have to be gray and can be any color or colors child chooses.  
After cutting cardboard pieces and taping and gluing to box, elephant is ready for paper mache and a coat of Gesso before painting.  Again, see paper mache Cat project, January 11 for How To's.


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